Daily Reading – Week 2, Day 1

May 18, 2015 by in category Daily Readings with 2 and 4
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Read Mark 9:33-35
 Who doesn’t want to be the greatest? Make a huge impact with their life? If it’s worth doing, then it’s worth doing well. The same desire to make the biggest impact—to “be the greatest”—can happen in our lives. Notice how Jesus responds to the disciples’ discussion. Jesus does not condemn their desire, but redefines what it means to be great.

What is your strategy for making an impact in the world?
 How would you feel talking about your plans with Jesus?
 Spend a minute in prayer talking with God about how he can use you to pursue true greatness.


  • Michael Hulett
    on May 18, 2015

    When I taught special education, I had a student who had a physical disability that left his speech almost inaudible. Despite his struggles, he joined the oratorical society when he was in third grade. He gave a powerful speech on greatness in front of the entire school that was first given by Martin Luther King Jr. (who stole most of his content from the Bible). This is him practicing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oeDKrGkHuk

    Anthony taught me that greatness comes through the impact you leave on people’s lives. Not with this speech, but with the way his life impacted mine. Sometimes I think I don’t have any great ideas or plans to change the world or even a large group of people. But Jesus teaches us that the greatest among us will serve. My prayer is that God grows in me a heart to serve, because that is what it takes to be great.

  • Kevin
    on May 19, 2015

    Looking back, the individuals that had the deepest, most lasting impact on me did things that were selfless. It wasn’t any one thing but it was just their character. It made me want to be like them and do the same for others. Selflessness is contagious.

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