Daily Reading – Week 1, Day 4

May 14, 2015 by in category Daily Readings with 4 and 8
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Read Luke 18:18-27
 Thinking of the rich young ruler again, was the security of wealth too seductive; was he afraid to give it all up to follow Jesus?

What are your sources of security?
How might those become an obstacle to following Jesus? Talk to God about the choices you must make to follow Jesus with an all in faith. Will you say yes to the invitation to follow or will you walk away sad?


  • Bob Smith
    on May 14, 2015

    Security is very important to me, but I know I need to depend more and ultimately entirely on God. I suppose my journey is about two steps forward and one step or more back. It’s easy when things are good and tough when things are bad. So I believe its best to ask me during those tough times if i’m holding onto the stuff that gives me the “security” i want.

    When I was first in a small group i remember a magnet on the refrigerator in the home we met at. The magnet said “What you think about most is your God”. That challenge has been a useful reminder.

  • Anonymous
    on May 14, 2015

    My security lies within my personal relationships. I treasure them, perhaps too much. There is a saying that goes something like “A mother is as happy as her saddest child. That is me with my all my relationships. I must learn not to base my happiest moments or contentment on the quantity and quality of my time with those I treasure the most. While I truly Walk Aware of and in His glory, I faulter within emotion. I need to rely solely in my devotion in relationship with Jesus and look at family and friends as icing on the cake. Physical possessions are just that, physical. Relationships are felt to the soul. My spirit remains lifted daily by and in His grace; my soul must learn to cling solely, emotionally, completely, and singularly attached to Him.

    • Cheryl Anderson
      on May 14, 2015

      My security lies within my personal relationships. I treasure them, perhaps too much. There is a saying that goes something like “A mother is as happy as her saddest child. That is me with my all my relationships. I must learn not to base my happiest moments or contentment on the quantity and quality of my time with those I treasure the most. While I truly Walk Aware of and in His glory, I faulter within emotion. I need to rely solely in my devotion in relationship with Jesus and look at family and friends as icing on the cake. Physical possessions are just that, physical. Relationships are felt to the soul. My spirit remains lifted daily by and in His grace; my soul must learn to cling solely, emotionally, completely, and singularly attached to Him.

  • Kevin
    on May 15, 2015

    Wealth represents freedom to me. I value freedom a lot and it’s tough to give any of it up. But when I reflect on the big scheme of things, I am going to have a long time to enjoy freedom in heaven. Right now I only have so much time here to make a difference. I want Jesus to be proud of me when my time is up. I am choosing to give up more of my wealth and freedom for His kingdom purposes. And like a positive cycle, the more invested I’m becoming in His mission, the more all-in for Jesus I’ve ever felt.

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