Daily Reading – Week 4, Day 3

June 3, 2015 by in category Daily Readings with 2 and 1
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Read Luke 14:25-35 
Every choice brings both opportunities and costs. Every path chosen means another
passed by. Jesus wants his followers to know that following him means a relationship of DEVOTED discipleship. Jesus says that if we are going to follow him, we must consider the cost. This text probably startles and challenges you. Jesus used some startling overstatements to shock us into paying attention. He wants you to notice follow him without being fully DEVOTED.

What shocks you most about the call Jesus makes to follow him in Luke?


  • Kevin
    on June 3, 2015

    To hate my own family to be a disciple is always shocking to read. I would do anything for my family, but would I do anything for Jesus? Jesus gave us the silver lining to being “all in” in Matthew 10:39, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” I’ve definitely seen that the times I’ve gone all in for God, I was filled with a kind of joy and purpose I never experienced before. I’m so grateful to be part of a community that desires to be all in, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how God will use our full devotion.

  • Spencer
    on June 3, 2015

    I think that I can easily say God is in my top ten. What I have to ask is if he is at the top.

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