Read Matthew 16:21-23 Peter was so distracted by Jesus’ words that he lost sight of Jesus’ purpose. He did not “have in mind the things of God.” Peter was worried about the realities of Jesus’ predictions. Often, we become like Peter, losing sight of the vision God gives and focusing on the stumbling blocks. God knows our fears, but God is able to sustain us, so we can wholeheartedly DEVOTED to God’s mission.
What are some of the uncertainties or worries that make you hesitate to fully devote to God’s work? What are some practical ways that you can overcome these doubts or worries? In your prayer today, entrust these worries to God.
Peter had good intentions and thought he was doing Jesus a favor. But Peter’s personal perspective kept him from seeing the bigger things at stake. Sometimes my next step is just to step outside of myself and my worries and concerns. Taking myself out of the equation helps me to see what God is doing and what He would have me do.
on May 28, 2015
The fear of the unknown can cripple us. Sometimes (a lot of times) we can’t look past the here and now. For me personally I’ve let that fear paralyze me so many times — and I usually look back and think “what was I worried for”?