Daily Reading – Week 3, Day 4

May 28, 2015 by in category Daily Readings with 5 and 1
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Read Matthew 28:16-20
 Imagine standing on that mountain and listening Jesus before he goes into heaven.
You are hanging on every single word as he leaves you with your mission. When the Church devotes itself to the mission of God, it looks exactly like what Jesus described in Matthew 28. Jesus calls us to live this mission today, knowing he is with us in every part of the vision, to the far ends of the earth.
What words and feelings came to mind when you read verse 20?

How does it feel to know Jesus is with you, every step, as you chase the vision of God?
 How is your life being DEVOTED to these different parts of the mission of God?
Does knowing Jesus is with you broaden the scope of your vision? Are you seeing too small?


  • Julie
    on May 28, 2015

    Sometimes salvations and baptisms are seen as benchmarks of ministry. I like how “teaching them” and “making disciples” implies a commitment to a longer-term relationship.

    • Kevin
      on May 28, 2015

      Yes, this reflects Jesus’s example too, building into his disciples for the long haul. The scope of Jesus’s vision in verse 20 goes beyond our lifetimes. Adopting this kind of legacy perspective helps me make wiser decisions now.

  • Spencer Field
    on May 28, 2015

    Last week my life group talked about trust and its connection to being devoted. I was struck by verse 17 which mentioned that out of the 11 remaining disciples some still doubted.

    • Kevin
      on May 28, 2015

      That is interesting. It tells me that God’s goal is not to eliminate all doubt. I think He leaves room for doubt so we can experience real faith and hope. Without the possibility of doubt, what is faith?

  • Julie
    on May 29, 2015

    Isn’t it interesting that within the DNA of the Great Commission is the command to teach others, who will be taught to teach others. Jesus sets up his Kingdom for multiplication and legacy.

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